
Tomasz Szustek
Tomasz Szustek

Born (1975) in Poland, graduated from Jagiellonian University, Kraków, moved to Ireland in 2003. He has been working as a freelance photojournalist for Polish community magazines and websites in Ireland and developing at the same time personal projects in Ireland and North Africa. His photos were also published in newspapers and magazines across Europe. Co-founder of photo collective Uspecto Images.

Selected book publications, nominations, awards and exhibitions:
2024 - "Marseille. Afterimages from the Rock of the Hanged" - photo book (author)
           Uspecto Images, Dublin
2017 - Grand Press Photo contest, finalist, Poland
2016 - “Atlantic Tabor. The Pilgrims of Croagh Patrick" - photo book (co-author),
           The Liffey Press, Dublin
2015 - Sicily Photobook Festival, Gazebook - “Dreamreality” exhibition, Italy
2014 - Monochrome Awards - Honorable Mention in photojournalism
2014 - "High Tails" - collaborative photo book, Capricious, NY
2014 - “Visual Notes from the Recession Time. Ireland 2008-2013” - photo book (author),
           Uspecto Images, Dublin

mob: PL +48 518 07 08 16

Photos also on:

Blog (in Polish)

All images from this website remain the property of ©Tom Szustek. Images may not be used in any commercial way without written permission. Use for illustrative (non-commercial) or educational purposes is permitted.